Her Aching Heart, by Bryony Lavery, was produced by the Nora Theater Company at Central Square Theater, and was Lee Mikenska Gardners directorial debut as Artistic director of the company in 2014.
Lynn will forever remember this show as one of her most challenging and rewarding experiences on stage. Taking part in a two-woman show, were she was either on-stage performing as one of four characters, or backstage removing one corset only to squeeze herself into another, this show stretched Guerra and tested the limits of her endurance. It was an absolute roller-coaster every time, and working with Lee Mikeska Gardner was a dream.
"Guerra’s versatility and comedic talent shine."
-The Theater Mirror
"Guerra’s Lady Harriet is arch and patronizing, her Granny palsied, her Joshua dimwitted; she also does a mean Madame Defarge in the shadow of the guillotine."
-The Boston Globe
"A treat to watch. Guerra does a remarkably convincing job of inhabiting the disciplined yet willful body of a Romantic-era aristocrat... [she] undergoes an astonishing physical transformation to Granny, a witchy crone; watching the play I thought for a moment that a third actor had appeared on stage. It is delightful to be fooled so expertly."
-The Arts Fuse
"Guerra is picture perfect for this role, combining a kind of regal beauty with lithe movement (she's a trained dancer and it shows) and appears to have been born for this role.... the characters they adopt are hysterical - particularly Guerra's insanely over-the-top shaky Grandmother"
-Boston Events Insider